Getting the best bang for the buck for your wedding can a tough act to follow. Look at the various expenses involved for planning the most important day in any one person's life and you'll understand. Wedding photographers are a plentiful bunch in today's market. Who to chose? Who has the best quality work? And who has the most referrals among happy satisfied newlyweds that make others want to commission their services? These are just a few questions couples must ask themselves before they spend the hard earned savings. One of the attributes I look for in a wedding photographer is their extensive utility of shooting unique yet formal shots that take the usual out of the unusual photo album. In addition, I would personally feel more satisfaction knowing that I have the most diversified spread of photos to reminisce of most important day of your life. To follow are some of the most unique shots you can commission your photographer to take:
1. Beach Bridal Scenes: Most weddings take place indoors at a church, convention hall, hotels, and homes that most folks don't realize that candid beach photography is a unique visual experience. If you're one of the fortunate few that live close to the beach or lake. Take a day to commission your photographer to take some photos at the beach or lake. The all white or black attire will meld together nicely with nature's ever changing backdrop. Therefore taking light and dark contrasts to the extreme and makes for a pleasant visual experience. Also, the different colors of nature lend a more natural look to your photos.
2. Reception Decor: Most of these shots come naturally with the other photos of the bride and groom that few ever take shots of just the decor. All venues are different, so pictures of the decorations that folks spend the most money on should be worthwhile subjects for your photographer. And lighting is so diverse that photographers can achieve stunning contrasts in everything that is shot. Again, utilizing your photographer's time and less of your money.
3. Wedding Cake Toppers: So many take pictures of just the whole cake or the bride stuffing a wedge into her hubby's face that few take photos of the cake topper. Again, the topper is a symbol used in many weddings to signify the unions of two people, therefore it would make a phenomenal shot. Keep in mind of how many of these toppers get saved, most end up trash or lost after years of moving. Why not keep it in memory with a professionally taken shot into a 4x6 or 8x10.
And so in the ever evolving trade of wedding photography, there are continuous amounts of new and inspiring shots. Recognizing and taking advantage of these unique landscapes can mean the difference in a diverse photo album or one that is like the rest. Explore and be attentive to your surroundings and you can also get your photographer to be more aware of these unique subjects.